
Debora Ercoli

Debora Ercoli – Firenze, 1976

coordinator and organization 

in girum imus nocte ecce et consumimur igni, 2010

fabric + pin

received 04.10.10


I wrote, I did read, I looked for, I selected images, I thought, I seen and seen again movies, but I always ended to the same identical thought, that was rolled up on same as a palindromo, as the spiral sentences of Duchamp that never come to close themselves…  there is indeed not much to laugh…

Ho scritto, letto, cercato, scelto immagini, pensato, visto e rivisto film, ma finivo sempre allo stesso identico pensiero, che si arrotolava su stesso come un palindromo, come le frasi a spirale di Duchamp che non arrivano mai a chiudersi…  c’è davvero poco da ridere…

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